WoW Exploits 3.3.5 NEW [REVEALED]
World of Warcraft exploits performed on a live server 3.3.5
Tools: Fraps, Sony Vegas Pro
Credits to hp94 for fake chat logs and RcHy for motivation on creating my exploit team.
Once again I amaze my self... hope you all enjoy these exploits, I am sure these exploits will be easy for blizzard to fix. So use them now! They are really fun and exciting, you can spend hours messing around with people.
Macro 1:
/run local m,r,g,b,t="Exploit Activated","ff","00","00",tonumber RaidNotice_AddMessage(RaidWarningFrame,m,{r=t("0x"..r), g=t("0x"..g), b=t("0x"..b)}); PlaySound("RaidWarning")
/run AcceptBattlefieldPort(1,1);
Macro 2:
/run local m,r,g,b,t="FP Dismounted","ff","00","00",tonumber RaidNotice_AddMessage(RaidWarningFrame,m,{r=t("0x"..r), g=t("0x"..g), b=t("0x"..b)}); PlaySound("RaidWarning")
/run LFGTeleport(IsInLFGDungeon())
/run LFGTeleport(IsInLFGDungeon())
Disconnect macro:
/run if(not scm) then scm = SendChatMessage; end; function SendChatMessage(msg,type,lang,chan) scm("\124cFF00FFCC\124Hitem:19:0:0:0:0:0 :0: \124h" ..msg.. "\124h\124r",type,lang,chan);end;
My exploit team - RAoV - Random Acts of Violation
Random Acts of Violation
Visit us join the community we are currently recruiting members.
~ Shorty
Oh ya... good luck to all exploiters
So let me explain how these exploits work.. The first macro saves your location just like if you where to join a battle ground then come back just as you where when you left! So the reason why when you enter a isntance and leave and spawn in dalaran is pretty much the same thing as joining a battle ground and coming back exactly where you left off. I hope that helps you all understand the macro and why it glitches. All the macro does is accept a battleground invite but obviously there is not invite, so there fore it does what its post to do and save ur location.
As for the second macro, I have no clue lol. It just bugged and then you fall off ur flying mount. Good luck exploiters do not ask me how I figured out these exploits cuz I honestly don't even really know...
Also the reason why you can fly in buildings and take location buffs out in zones your not post to have it is because you move exactly foward while on a flying mount you have at least umm.. 4-5 seconds before the buff you want or dont want turns on or off, so while in that 4 - 5 seconds you disconnect log back in and it still thinks you where in the location before you moved. It only works with flying mounts because when you are landed on someting it can tell automatically where you are with in miliseconds, but compared to a flying mount it takes a while to figure it out.
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